Well I have lots of posting and pic's / video to share from all of the chaos!! Although it has been busy around here, I was reminded the other day as I was talking to someone that I need to enjoy this craziness, I was telling her how we were running here and there and everywhere, and she just looked at me and said..."enjoy it, I miss it" (her kids are grown) it was a really good reminder to me to enjoy every little moment we have together...I remember when we were up at the hospital with Rylie, missing just taking the kids to school everyday, eating dinner together...it was the little things like that in life that are really the big things! So there you have my lesson learned this month!
I was able to go on the kindergarten field trip to the Zoo, it was a rainy, yucky day, but the kids had a blast, I don't think the weather phases them as much as it does me! I was in charge of 3 kids, Presley, and his good friends (twins) Megan and Macady. Presley's favorite animal in the whole zoo was the skunk...not the lions, not the giraffe, but the skunk!:) The bus ride is quite an experience crammed full of 5 and 6 years old, but amazingly enough, I fell fast asleep on the way home, I must have been really tired because believe me it was noisy! Here are some pictures, I actually took these with our video camera, so they aren't the best quality, but still cute none the less! Enjoy~

1 comment:
That's so cute, Amie. We have had a crazy month too! I think I've read your post like four times half way through... I finally finished reading it! Hopefully things will slow down in June. (Yeah, right!) I can't wait for fish lake; it'll be nice to relax for a few days.
Give the kids a big hug from Aunt Leah.(And, Randy, you get a hug too!)
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