...first of all, I still cannot comprehend that Rylie is 12 years old today, I mean I knew she was growing up....but 12?? Junior High?? Young Womens??? I just can't believe it! Rylie is an amazing girl and I truly feel blessed to be her mom, she is an example to me of sooooo many things. Not to mention her fun, contagious personality! This birthday is pretty special too as we come up on Rylie's 1 year transplant anniversary (August 26th). We are so blessed to even have Rylie with us to celebrate her 12th birthday...if it wasn't for the amazing doctors and staff at Primary Childrens Hospital and even more for her donor (Randon) and his family saying yes to Organ Donation....she really most likely would not be with us..and without all of your support and prayers and love shown over the past year I know we couldn't have gotten through it~ Rylie has shown such strength through it all, Randy and I been right by her side through all of the extremely difficult things she's had to endure, and honestly it is more than I can even bear to think back on...she no doubt had heavenly help through it all. We love you so much Rylie, thanks for your fun personality and your strength and example to those around you:)
Now on to the party!! Yesterday the celebration started, Rylie was one of six kids from Primary Childrens Hospital that were invited to participate in a fundraiser at the Homestead in Midway that Smiths Food and Drug puts on to raise money for the hospital. They were having a golf "putting" contest and each of the six kids were paired up with someone in the golf tournament and they competed in a 6 hole putting contest, they would take turns and then add there score together. Rylie had the most fun partner...Rod Zundell from KSL Sports, he was so cute with Rylie, and lucky for Rylie he's not a bad golfer...the first hole he made a hole in one!! Well we got done and Rylie and Rod had a total score of 16 (Rylie didn't golf to bad either:)) So they start having teams come up and get a prize for the kids that participated, they were giving out baskets with portable dvd players, movies, and candy to the kids that participated...we were amazed at that, so you can imagine how surprised we were when they announced that Rod and Rylie won and for Rod to come and present Rylie with the Grand Prize.....
AN ALL EXPENSED PAID TRIP FOR OUR FAMILY TO DISNEYLAND.......can you even believe it???? Rylie was jumping up and down, she was so excited!! They all sang Happy Birthday to her, what a way to start her celebration~~

We came home on cloud nine and her friends came over for her party...and we headed to the mall. They had a ball trying on too big prom dresses, funky high heel shoes, and doing facials! We stopped at Walmart on the way home to get some face mask stuff and they saw that they were having a party for the new twilight book coming out at midnight (Breaking Dawn) so they wanted to stay and go to that, we ended up going to Rylie's Grandpa's house in Payson and making brownies and doing the face masks to pass time until the big party at Wal-mart! They didn't have time to wash off the face masks before going to the party, so they went with them on!! They sure got a lot of attention! Anyways, it was such a fun day....Happy Birthday Rylie...We love you soooo much:)