Well, I really, really do not want to brag for my very first blog post....but really I can't help it. Last Friday was the third grade spelling bee. The top 15 spellers from the 3rd grade participated. Hunter was one of the 15. Well it got down to the final two spellers, Hunter and one other boy. The principal had another obligation and had to leave, he said they would finish the spelling bee on Monday, so Hunter had to go all weekend knowing that Monday he and this other little boy would have to compete for 1st and 2nd place. I don't know if any of you have ever watched a spelling bee....but it is nerve wracking, & I wasn't even in it...so I don't know who was more stressed...me or Hunter. Well I just got home from watching the spelling bee, and for the 3rd year in a row, Hunter took 1st place. I do not know where this kid gets all his brains, but he is one smart cookie! Congratulations Hunter....you make your momma proud :)
Congrats! I love spelling bees! Keep up the blog, this will be fun! :)
Wowzers! That is amazing! I hope my kids are smart!
Good job Hunter! Ife alvays ben realy good at speling to!
Yeah!!! You finally have a blog! I LOVE IT! What a cool design! I'm so excited to hear more about the Steele happenings.
Hunter, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Way to study hard! You are so smart!
Amie, you have such a talented family.
Yay Amie! I was wondering when you'd finally jump on the blogging bandwagon! You guys are always so busy doing stuff...I want to hear all about it! (I'm so nosy!)
That's awesome that Hunter won the spelling bee! He's not only smart, but talented too! Lucky kid! Good job Hunter!
Love you guys!
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